How Often Should You Get Your Car Washed in the Winter?

How Often Should You Get Your Car Washed in the Winter?

Are you constantly fearing that the weather will ruin your beautiful car’s exterior? There’s a way you can prevent this from happening. Frequent care for your beloved vehicle is a must during the winter season.

Continue reading to learn how often you should get your car washed in the winter to keep the car’s paint job and exterior quality in great shape!

Winter Weather Conditions That Affect Your Car

A few cold weather factors make car washes essential in the wintertime.

Road Salt

Road salt sticks to the car’s metal features underneath and on the sides of the vehicle. When the road salt sits for too long, it can cause corrosion. Rust is something you don’t want to encounter on your automobile.

Moisture and Temperature Fluctuations

On some nights, freezing temperatures come with ice and snow. Within two days, the snow is completely gone from sight. While your car appears clean, there’s a high probability that the moisture and temperature fluctuations have impacted your vehicle.

The winter is notorious for extreme temperature changes. This is harmful to the cars’ exteriors because when moisture gets trapped beneath the paint or trim, the change in temperature causes frequent expansion and contraction. The paint can start to lift and weaken the exterior. It could even lead to developing rust spots as well.

Snow Buildup

Snow can build up on the rocker panels and wheel wells. It’s tempting to kick away the snow. This satisfying feeling is damaging to the car paint’s finish. Instead of using force, it’s best to allow warm temperatures to melt away the snow to avoid using intense pressure to remove the snow on your own.

How Often To Wash Your Car

Because of these harmful winter conditions, you should get your car washed often. Once every week is ideal for those who live in snowy areas.

For areas that may not encounter much snow and ice but where temperatures shift rapidly, a car wash once every 10 days is ideal.

Don’t forget to wash underneath your car as well. This will help you avoid corrosion on valuable mechanisms like brakes, frame rails, and wheel wells.

Types of Car Washes

The best type of car wash for a vehicle is a hand car wash. Taking your beloved car to an automatic car wash is a disaster waiting to happen. The unpredictable machine may malfunction, or the harsh bristles may scratch the car’s paint.

With a car wash by hand, you can take your time and gently clean off the remnants of the winter weather.

If you prefer a professional hand car wash in Omaha, contact Owner’s Pride for excellent service you won’t forget! When the winter weather takes a toll on your vehicle, it’s refreshing to have a professional clean that’ll protect the car’s surface throughout the season.