A Brief History of Auto Ceramic Coatings

A Brief History of Auto Ceramic Coatings

There’s more to ceramic coatings than meets the eye. In fact, this seemingly simple modification has a long history that transcends centuries. Delve into a brief history of auto ceramic coatings throughout the years to see the development of this incredible tech and learn why it deserves praise and celebration.

Before Ceramic Coatings

In their most basic definition, ceramic coatings are a modification that offers an extra layer of protection for a vehicle’s paint. So, to fully appreciate a brief history of auto ceramic coatings, it’s essential to discuss their predecessors.

Believe it or not, manufacturers have been trying to perfect their protective formulas for centuries. In fact, the very first iteration of protective coatings dates back to the early 1800s. The invention of a German wax comprised of animal fats was used to protect the lacquer on horse-drawn carriages.

A few decades later, more refined polishing compounds with similar characteristics were introduced. And as the years went on, automotive companies started to see the value in these compounds and got to work perfecting their own formulas for protective waxes and polishing compounds.

The Conception of a New Technology

As the selection of waxes continued to grow, manufacturers continued perfecting their formulas to offer more practical and permanent protection. As we would recognize them, the first stirrings of ceramic coatings came shortly after DuPont released the first-ever polymer sealant.

In 1970, European car manufacturers conceived the first clear-coat protective finish and introduced it to the auto industry. But it wasn’t until the dawn of the new millennia when inventions like CeramiClear showed up on the market and revolutionized paint protection with the power to eliminate paint degradation from UV exposure and acid rain.

And in 2001, Dr. David Ghoudossi founded Optimum Polymer Technologies, allowing him to focus on the development of protective polymers and auto paint formulations entirely. As a result, nano ceramic coatings arrived almost a decade later, an invention that provided superior paint protection with its revolutionary ability to permanently bond to a car’s finish.

Ceramic Coatings Today

As the years went on, manufacturers continued to perfect these permanent coatings with nano ceramic product lines that could protect the external surfaces of marine vessels, aircraft, and automobiles.

This led to the conception of the first-ever transparent 3D matrix structures used in modern ceramic coatings. And today, ceramic coating technology has become so advanced that it can offer protection against anything from scratches and dirt to graffiti and oxidation.

So, if you’re looking to be a part of this exciting and ongoing history, give Owner’s Pride a call. We’ll make sure you get the full benefits of this revolutionary technology, as we offer the best ceramic coatings in Omaha.